Pickett’s Mill Elementary Physical Education Department Grading Procedure
For students in 4th & 5th grades we assign grades in 2 separate areas that include:
1) Conduct
2) Participation
Within each area we can assign an S for Satisfactory, an NI for Needs Improvement, and a U for Unsatisfactory. We assign these grades based on the following criteria:
1) The Conduct Grade is given to each student using the following rubric:
S - The student consistently exhibited appropriate behavior while displaying adequate leadership in daily classes by helping demonstrate skills, answering questions and leading others to make good behavioral choices, during this grading period
NI- The student displayed appropriate behavior most of the time, adequately listening to and following the P. E. teacher’s directions, however there may have been a few times the teacher needed to redirect the student in his/her behavior, during this grading period
U - The student inconsistently followed the teacher’s directions and had 3 or more write up's in the behavior management book. The parents were given notification using a behavior progress note during the 9 week grading period.
2) The Participation Grade is given to each student for each 9 week grading period as follows:
Skill or Knowledge Test 1 (1, 2, or 3 points)
Skill or Knowledge Test 2 (1, 2, or 3 points)
Skill or Knowledge Test 3 (1, 2, or 3 points)
Effort (1, 2, or 3 points)
Preparation for Class (1, 2, or 3 points)
A – Student scored 13 to 15 total points
B – Student scored 9 to 12 total points
C – Student scored 7 or 8 total points
D – Student scored 6 total points
D – Student scored 5 or below total points
Participation Grade Rubrics
Skill Tests:
3 - The student performs the skill fluently, rhythmically, and consistently with very few mistakes
2- The student can perform the skill with some fluency but may be inconsistent in his/her rhythmic
1- The student struggles to perform the skill with any consistency or fluency.
Knowledge Tests:
3 – The student scored an average of 87% or higher on knowledge assessment
2 – The student scored an average of 60% or higher on knowledge assessment
1 - The student scored an average of below 60% on knowledge assessment
Effort Rubric:
3– The student consistently exhibited an exemplary and exceptional amount of effort during the fitness, skill development and game situations within this grading period.
2 – The student displayed an appropriate and satisfactory amount of effort during the fitness, skill development and game situations within this grading period.
1- The student displayed a poor and unsatisfactory amount of effort during the fitness, skill development and game situations within this grading period.
Preparation for Class Rubric:
3 – The student was prepared with tennis shoes/socks for every class within this 9 week grading period.
2 – The student was prepared with tennis shoes/socks for most of the classes but missed out 1 to 3 times during this 9 week grading period.
1 - The student was unprepared and did not wear tennis shoes/socks for several classes during this 9 week grading period. They missed over 3 times and the parents were notified.